Pay Per Click Services

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What is Pay Per Click?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC), also known as Cost-Per-Click (CPC), is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites. Advertisers must pay the publisher (usually a search engine, website owner, or social media platform) when the ad is clicked by someone. In other words, PPC is a way to get traffic to your website.

Types of PPC Often Found

  • Search Advertising: This is the most well-known type of PPC. This type of advertisement usually appears on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) like on Google or Bing. This ad is marked with a small “Ad” logo, and is displayed at the very top of the SERP.
  • Social Advertising: Almost the same as search advertising, it’s just that this ad is displayed on social media platforms. As an advertiser, you will only pay if the ad is clicked by someone.
  • Remarketing: This is the type of ad that is shown only to those who have previously visited your website. This strategy is considered quite effective because it targets people who are already interested in your website.
  • Display Advertising: This allows you to display advertisements on all Google partner websites. You can also set who can see the ad. Thus, your ad will be more relevant and targeted.
  • Google Shopping: This type of advertisement allows you to display product images and prices, and will direct the audience directly to ecommerce websites. This method also allows greater conversions, because consumers have seen photos, names, and also the price of the product.

For more information about Pay Per Click Services, please visit

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