What is benefit of Metal Roofing

Company Yakermetalroof

Yaker Industries are a leading manufacturer of roll-formed metal roofing, walling, fascia, canopy and PU (polyurethane) finished products for the building and construction industries in South East Asia.

What is benefit of Metal Roofing

  • Lightweight & portable: About ¼ the weight of a tile roof, and roughly ½ the weight of asphalt shingles.
  • Durability: Metal roofing is highly resistant to hail and wind damage.  It is also more resistant to fire, and can last up to three times the lifespan of an asphalt shingle roof.
  • Low-maintenance: Most metal roofing products require very little or no maintenance.
  • Energy efficiency: Metal roofs are considered among the most energy efficient types of roofs. They reflect a greater share of the sun’s rays and, depending on any coating applied to the metal, homes may see a savings of 20 to 30 percent on air conditioning costs.
  • Style: More than any other roofing material, metal roofs are available in a wide array of colors, styles, and textures. Metal roofing can greatly enhance the appeal of a home. Copper roofing, in particular, is a very attractive option. Over time, copper roof changes color, adding character and beauty to a home.

For more information about Metal Roofing, please visit https://www.yarkermetalroof.com.my/product-category/metal-roofing

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