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In addition to storing data in storage and portable drives (USB Pen Drive), what other functions can be performed? Today the USB Pen Drive or USB Flash Disk takes over the role of a diskette that was once used as an external data storage that is easy to carry anywhere. USB Pen Drive has a higher capacity than diskette and its physical shape is also smaller and lighter than diskette. In today’s world of information technology, it is a very important tool in our daily lives whether for work or the like.

Even with the variety of shapes and attractive, made as part of fashion to a person. What is more interesting is that the role of this USB Flash Disk is not only for data storage alone but there are other uses.

Among them are as follows: –

  • It can be used to run computer programs directly from it such as OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox and others. These computer programs can be selected by you to install them to the USB Flash Disk. Please visit the Portable website to find out the benefits.
  • If you want this USB Flash Disk to function more than running computer programs, then it needs to be able to run the operating system. This can be done whether you want to run the Windows or Linux operating system. The configuration is complicated but you can find the manual on the Internet.
  • USB Flash disks can also be used as a tool for wireless connection by using the wireless connection configuration function available in Windows and save a copy of the wireless configuration into it.
  • It can also be used as a password reset tool for Windows.

For more information about Flash Drive Supplier Malaysia, please visit

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